Mission Statement
The American Civil War Museum of Ohio satisfies our community's need for a unique educational museum by collecting, preserving, and interpreting the American Civil War and its impact on the current generation of American people.

American Civil War Museum of Ohio, Inc.
Collecting, preserving, and interpreting the American Civil War
The American Civil War Museum of Ohio is a nonprofit 501 (c) (3) public charity.
All donations are tax deductible.
Short Virtual Exhibit
217 S.
Washington St.
Tiffin, OH 44883
Click on thumbnail to enlarge photo.

President Abraham Lincoln CDVOBJECT ID 2008.8.1

Lincoln Mourning RibbonOBJECT ID 2008.15.1

Section of cloth from Lincoln assassination New York
City Hall catafalqueOBJECT ID 389

Confederate Vice-President
Alexander Stephens CDVOBJECT ID 321

General Grant CDV

General Grant CDVOBJECT ID 2007.10.2

Grant & Colfax 1868 Presidential Campaign PinsOBJECT ID 661

U.S. Vice-President
Schuyler Colfax CDVOBJECT ID 267

General Sherman CDVOBJECT ID 386

Major General
Philip Sheridan CDVOBJECT ID 323

President Hayes CDVOBJECT ID 2007.10.1

Hayes letter written while Governor of OhioOBJECT ID 324

President Garfield CDVOBJECT ID 2008.16.3

Benjamin Harrison presidential campaign pinOBJECT OBJECT ID 2009.5.3

1909 Lincoln birthday series postcardOBJECT ID 283

President McKinley campaign pinsOBJECT ID 388

Edwin M Stanton
Secretary of War CDVOBJECT ID 387

Salmon P Chase
Secretary of the Treasury CDV